Thursday, September 16, 2010

Demo APEX Right Out of the Box

If you want to quickly try out the new features after installing APEX 4.0 you don't need to do anything! APEX now comes with a built in demo.

To access this demo, log into a workspace and click the "Learn more..." button.

On the right hand side you'll see a list of features to demo.

If you're curious, the tables that the demo is using are: APEX_040000.WWV_DEMO_DEPT and APEX_040000.WWV_DEMO_EMP.


  1. How do I get an Export of this app?

    I looked in the APEX_040000 schema for table or view wwv_demo_emp and did not see it... must not have access to see it..

  2. The app is included as part of the APEX installation. Import \apex\builder\f4600.sql from the APEX installation download. You won't be able to run the application but at least see what they're doing behind the scenes.
