Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Logger 2.1.0 - Demo Scripts

In preparation for the release of Logger 2.1.0 I've decided to write a few posts highlighting some of the new features.

The new Logger documentation contains a lot of sample code. Though this is good for documentation purposes I found that I still needed to build a set of demos for various presentations and demonstrations about Logger. Instead of recreating demos each time I've started to keep them in a demo folder (included in each release). This can also be useful for individuals looking to demo Logger at an organization for the first time.

Though not complete, expect the list of demos to expand over time.  If you have a demo script you want added, please feel free to send it to me or make a pull request.


  1. Great, a demo would be cool to show how to log individual users / sessions in APEX :-)

    1. Done: Check out: https://github.com/tmuth/Logger---A-PL-SQL-Logging-Utility/blob/master/demos/demo_set_level.sql It will be included in the 2.1.0 release.

      If you think anything else should be added to it let me know.
